About Us

M. Awais Saleem

M. Awais Saleem

Founder | Attorney at Law

Mr. Awais is the founder of ABCO Attorneys, a legal startup aimed at providing affordable legal services relating to corporate, commercial and intellectual property matters.

He holds a degree in Law and has an overall experience of over ten years in legal profession. He has been actively offering commercial, international business and legal consultancy services to startups, companies, and businesses throughout the world in his capacity as an International Legal Consultant.

He has been offering legal advice to a wide range of clients including financial institutions, multinational and commercial establishments, startups, and small companies in Pakistan, US, Canada, UK, European Union and Australia.

MISSION: Our mission is to provide affordable and the best corporate and legal services to startups, small and medium businesses, corporate groups, public, private and single member companies, partnerships and sole-proprietors so that they are able to establish, operate, and grow their businesses with peace of mind.

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